After Apple narrowly escaped a sales ban on its iPhone 4 and iPad 2 late last week, it looks like Samsung might not be so lucky. Apple on Friday won its case against Samsung, which was found by the U.S. International Trade Commission to infringe on the famous ”Steve Jobs patent” as well as an additional hardware patent. As a result, the ITC has issued an import ban on the offending Samsung devices, though an earlier report suggested that the older products covered in the case currently make up less than 1% of Samsung’s sales. President Obama has 60 days to overturn the ban before it goes into effect. Florian Mueller at FOSS Patents has the full story.
UPDATE: Apple issued the following statement to AllThingsD:
With today’s decision, the ITC has joined courts around the world in Japan, Korea, Germany, Netherlands and California by standing up for innovation and rejecting Samsung’s blatant copying of Apple’s products. Protecting real innovation is what the patent system should be about.
UPDATE: Apple issued the following statement to AllThingsD:
With today’s decision, the ITC has joined courts around the world in Japan, Korea, Germany, Netherlands and California by standing up for innovation and rejecting Samsung’s blatant copying of Apple’s products. Protecting real innovation is what the patent system should be about.
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